C++ strcat() Function

strncpy() funtion Defined in header <cstring> char *strcat( char *dest, const char *src); Appends a copy of the character string pointed to by src to the end of the character string pointed to by dest. The charac…

C++ strncpy() funtion

strncpy() funtion Defined in header <cstring> char *strncpy( char *dest, const char *src, std::size_t count); Copies at most count characters of the byte string pointed to by src (including the terminating null character) to chara…

C++ strcpy() function

strcpy() function Defined in header <cstring> char * strcpy( char ** dest, const * char ** src ); Copies the character string pointed to by src, including the null terminator, to the character array whose first element is pointed to by…

Classes in OOPs

Classes Look at the world around you. It is full of objects of various shapes, colors, and behaviors. Based on these characterstics, these objects can be classified into different groups. These groups are called classes. Classes act as the blue…

PL/SQL Programming Languages

PL/SQL Programming Languages Section 1. Getting started with PL/SQL What is PL/SQL   Anonymous Block Data Ty…

Object in OOPs

Objects An object means a thing that can be presented physically. In other words, an object is a touchable entity that may show some well defined behavior. According to famous software architect, Grady Booch, an Object has the Following charact…

Object Oriented Programmings Concept (OOPs)

Object Oriented Concept (OOPs) One way of reducing the complexicity is to use the concept of Object Orientation . Defining Object Orientation Object Orientation is a Software Development Concept that is based on modeling a real-world system . It r…

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