PL/SQL Programming Languages

PL/SQL Programming Languages

PL/SQL Tutorial by gaurav

Section 1. Getting started with PL/SQL

  • What is PL/SQL 
  • Anonymous Block
  • Data Types 
  • Variables 
  • Comments 
  • Constants 

Section 2. Conditional control

  • IF statements 
  • CASE statements 
  • GOTO 
  • NULL statement 

Section 3. Iterative processing with loops

  • Basic LOOP statement
  • Numeric FOR LOOP statement 
  • WHILE loop 

Section 4.  Select Into


Section 5. Exception handlers

  • Exception 
  • Raise exceptions 
  • Using raise_application_error 
  • Exception propagation 
  • Handling other unhandled exceptions

Section 6. Records

  • Record

Section 7. Cursors

  • Cursor
  • Cursor FOR LOOP 
  • Cursor with parameters
  • Cursor Variables with REF CURSOR
  • Updatable cursor 

Section 8. Stored procedures and Functions

  • Procedure
  • Implicit statement results
  • Function
  • Cursor variables 

Section 9. Packages

  • Introduction to the PL/SQL package 
  • Package specification 
  • Package body 
  • Drop Package 

Section 10. Triggers

  • Triggers
  • Statement-level triggers
  • Row-level triggers 
  • INSTEAD OF triggers 
  • Disable triggers 
  • Enable triggers
  • Drop Triggers 
  • How to fix the mutating table error 

Section 11. PL/SQL Collections

  • Associative Arrays 
  • Nested Tables 

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