
  • Comments help other people (and yourself several months later) understand what the code is doing
    // indicates single line comments

    /* multiline comments have these delimiters
        so you can tell where the comments starts and ends */

  • Comments can get very fancy
    /* **************************************
     * This is a very fancy comment -it could explain *
     * the purpose of a program or other important   *
     * information                                                   *

  • Language Comparision: Comments
Perl        # this is Comment

C/C++   // This is Comment
               /* this is Comment */

Java      // This is Comment
              /* This is Comment */
                This is Comment

Visual Basic  'This is Comment

C#                  // This is Comment
                      /* This is Comments */

Python           # This is Comment

Ruby              # This is Comment

PHP                This is Comment
                     // This is Comment
                    /* This is Comment */
                        This is PHPDoc Comment

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